Tips & Tricks to Build Salon Clients Loyalty

POSTED BY Sophie Jobs

Build Salon Client Loyalty

Generally speaking, it takes time to win someone’s heart, be it a customer, a person whom you like, or anybody. The key to succeeding in this is to be realistic to them, that’s it! No matter how much you flaunt at the initial stage to achieve them, in the end, authenticity is something everybody looks for.

If you are a salon owner you need to fix this in your mind that a loyal customer is equivalent to your loved ones. Never think of breaching their trust. A customer only retains long, when you are consistent in serving quality services that you have promised to them on the very first day. See, it’s important to be authentic to your customers while offering services to build Salon Clients Loyalty. You can’t develop good customer relations overnight, the key to achieving the same only lies in the art of delivering quality service.

What most salon owners make mistakes is making too much effort in gaining new clients and forgetting to nurture their existing ones. 

The study reveals that :

  • The probability of selling to an existing customer is between 60% to 70%.
  • While the probability of selling to a new customer is only between 5% to 20%. 

It sounds good gaining new clients to take your business to heights but more important is to retain them and make them your permanent client. That’s why the researcher says, make maximum efforts to gain new customers but yes, don’t forget to nurture your terms with existing ones. It is the best tip to survive in the beauty business for a long time.

Moving further to know some tactics to develop strong salon clients loyalty.

Loyalty lessons you need to learn to take your business to the next level

#1. First Impression matters 

There is a renowned saying “Your first impression is your last impression”. So, when customers visit your salon, they must be greeted professionally, in the same manner, you would like to be treated upon visiting any service. Give value to your clients and show them their real worth for you by your professional gestures. You should leave such an impression on the client’s mind that they would prefer to step into your salon again ignoring your competitors’ discounts or offers.

#2. Stay top of Mind

Brand awareness plays a vital role in any new, or small business because a new or small business depends upon its name recall. Suppose a customer for the first time had visited you once a month ago and now he needs service again. However, he has several options before your salon so why would he approach you again until your brand doesn’t click in his mind. 

Therefore, by following many effective techniques you have to fix your brand in customers’ minds. Keep promoting your brand through social media and you can keep your client connected to you through your Email for appointment booking. To earn Salon Clients Loyalty, you can send emails consisting of some discounts, offers, etc which should seem less like a sales trick and more like your professionalism.

#3. Consistent Quality Service

The biggest mistake many business owners make is, they don’t stand on the promise that they have made to their customers the first day. 

When anyone comes up with a business idea, initially they make several promises to get as much crowd as they can. But with the passage of time and in making more salon profits rate, they forget to serve the same way they have promised to customers. And, slowly the phase of downfall is not far.

So, to enhance your customer’s journey or to retain them for long, consistent quality service is a must. Experts say 89% of companies say that excellent customer service holds a significant role in customer retention. 

Therefore, the prime key to customer retention is only delivering quality service. If you are failing to avail it your customers you can never see your brand growing. A salon manager’s happiness should always start and end with his customers.

There are several customers who come from far away just to take quality services from their trusted salon specialists. Simply, it’s the only thing that essentially matters to customers, never think of cutting down on quality. No matter how much you are overburdened with key salon operations, offering consistent quality service should be your foremost ultimate goal.

(Remember, No Quality= No Loyal Customers = No Business} 

#4. Listen keenly, what they are looking for {Key to building relationship}

The moment a customer sits on the chair to take services, your liability starts from that very moment. To get your job done right and to make the customer happy, you need to hear them keenly. Yes, you need to listen to your customers to get them what they are looking for.

Keen listening is important to deliver outstanding service. Most of the salon staff make this mistake, they just focus on serving their number of appointments quickly. In such a scenario they don’t give value to customers’ preferences like how they want their nails or hair to get done. 

This is what pinches customers the most. It lets them know even after elaborating their preferences, staff did not pay value to their words. This continuous mistake of yours gradually declines your customer retention rate. 

Customers never want to be a part of a business, where their preferences and money are not valued.

#5. Introduce Loyalty Program

For many years this effective technique has been practiced in many beauty salons. If you are skipping implementing this strategy, must say you should start adopting this from today onwards. A loyal customer should be rewarded to bring business as it repeats sales and enables you to earn more. 

A repeat customer always brings happiness to the salon team then why not think of making customers feel glad as well. Reward your loyal clients for giving you the motivation to work the same way and to believe in your services. Offer them a free service or discount on their future services. 

Do not forget to offer referrals. Referrals bring dual happiness to business managers. Firstly, it retains your existing customers, and secondly, it lets you achieve new customers. All you have to do is to please your new clients to turn them into your loyal clients. It proves to be the best practice to generate leads, sales, and revenue.

Let’s share few pointers that you need to keep in mind to run a successful Salon Clients Loyalty program:

  • Keep your loyalty scheme simple and easy to understand. 
  • Publicize your loyalty scheme however you can. 
  • Make sure the scheme should be easily understood by your staff. 
  • Offer a welcome pack to new clients. 
  • Don’t forget to tailor rewards for your loyal customers.

#6. Serve your customers with a happy smiling face

You might not find it a key tip but undoubtedly it is. See, when you serve or greet every stepping customer with a happy and smiling face it builds their trust. On the contrary, when you serve them with a stressed face they will surely think about whether to go with your brand or not. And, the next time they will think twice before returning back. 

When customers sense that staff is overburdened with work or the same reflects on their face they delay their appointment. Trust me this happens, many of my friends keenly observe the staff while waiting for their turn. They analyze whether the staff is delivering services patiently or just quickly completing appointments one after one. You won’t believe that many customers escape in the middle of their waiting period by just keenly observing staff conduct.

Therefore, it’s important to keep a smiling stress-free face and to keep your staff less burdened with salon tasks. Because, ultimately it reflects on their face, gestures, and conduct which can take away many customers’ steps back.

Thus, a smiling face acts like a magnet and attracts more and more customers, that’s why always keep the same.


We can only say, to generate Salon Clients Loyalty is not that challenging, it is wholly and solely in your hands. If you want customers to retain your brand for a long time, you have to give them a reason. Give them a valid reason, they will surely stick to your services or products only.

Though there are several tips, the most key and fundamental tips are to serve customers rightly. Yes, you are listening right, if you are adopting this practice only, you are doing more than enough. Moreover, when you consistently value your existing customers, you automatically generate new customers based on existing customers’ word-of-mouth marketing. 

Command on the above-mentioned tactics to get more Salon Clients Loyalty, after all, they are the source to generate revenue. 

Lastly, do share your feedback with us in the comment section below to let us know how this write-up has assisted you. If you were following any of the above strategies, do let us know whether it was useful or not. We would love to hear the same.

Thank you for devoting your precious time to our write-up! 

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