20+ Ideas For Salon Staff Motivation To Enhance Their Performance

POSTED BY Julia Ching

Salon Staff Motivation

As a salon owner, you wish to grow your business in the beauty industry. You try every way to lead ahead of the competitors. However, the one factor that you ignore is your salon staff motivation and dedication. It is essential to improve the salon’s operations performance and customer satisfaction. 

Motivated employees provide excellent customer service and show a good image of the salon. However, as a salon owner, you must keep your employees happy and motivated. Now, the question that comes to your mind is how you can inspire your team and reduce staff turnover. 

But don’t worry! I have shared 20+ salon staff motivation ideas to inspire your team and increase their performance here. Read the blog below thoroughly to know more about it!

Why Is Salon Staff Motivation Crucial For The Success? Read Staff Motivation Ideas

Staff Motivation

Following are the benefits of a highly motivated salon team for your business growth.

#1. Increase Customer Satisfaction

It is an unsaid fact that “ happy staff means happy clients”. A motivated and happy salon team shows a positive attitude and dedication towards their clients. They pay attention to customers’ little details and provide consistent treatment to meet their expectations. This builds trust and loyalty among customers which increases their satisfaction.

#2. Boost Employee Retention

Did you know every time an employee leaves your salon, it costs you one-half to two times that worker’s salary? Therefore, provide your employees with a supportive work environment. Always respect them and appreciate their efforts. Listen to their concerns and make them feel valued. This increases their loyalty and motivates them to stay longer at your salon.

#3. Simplify Business Operations

Your employees handle thousands of tasks daily. A little appreciation boosts their morale and great work productivity. This inspires them to complete their tasks more easily, accurately, and on time. So, this simplifies your business operations and results in profits.

How to Motivate Salon Staff for Better Performance?

Motivate Salon Staff

Check these staff performance enhancement techniques that I have shared with you to benefit your business!

#1. Create a Positive Work Environment

You want your employees to stay loyal and committed to your business. But if I ask you why you think they should work with you for a longer period? Well, the answer must be that you provide them with a good work environment where they feel comfortable and valued. Give them a separate workspace where they can sit calmly, have a break, and connect with other colleagues. 

Remember they are free from any appointments, calls, or manual work. This will give them enough time to refresh their minds and share advice & ideas. Always prioritize honesty, trustworthiness, and punctuality at your salon. These qualities inspire your team to provide excellent customer service and show a good reputation for the salon.

#2. Boost Team Morale

Yes, I understand that you are too busy operating your salon business and don’t get enough time to appreciate your employees. But trust me it’s not that difficult !. Just simply say “ Thank you” “Well done”, good job”!. These lines naturally boost their happy hormone and make them feel proud of themselves. Praising them for their good behavior, or services is one of the best ways to boost your salon staff motivation and dedication. This makes them feel that they are doing great and encourage them to work even harder to benefit your business.

#3. Criticize In Private

It is obvious that not every employee does wonders, some make mistakes too. Being a salon owner you must discuss their performance to understand their concerns. However, remember to criticize them in private. Public scolding makes employees feel embarrassed and sad. This results in self-doubt and disrespect towards you. However, a private conversation helps employees share their challenges more openly and areas where they need support. This also prevents the spread of negativity and results in a calm discussion. So if you handle private communication, you protect your employees’ dignity and build a strong relationship with them.

#4. Organize Salon Rewards Programs

Do you realize how much hard work your employees do to grow your business? They work day and night to make your salon the best of other competitors. So, organize some reward programs to show appreciation to your employees for their hard work. First, decide in what areas you want to reward your employees. 

Whether for sales target, client retention, teamwork, or attendance. Next set clear criteria for earning rewards, for example for reaching a particular number of positive client feedback. When an employee reaches this level, reward them with special rewards like bonuses, extra holidays, special gift cards, or recognition certificates. This motivates your team to improve their skills and offer excellent customer service.

#5. Use Beauty Salon Management Software

Beauty Salon Management Software

Yes, I completely understand it is not an easy job to handle multiple teams and employees altogether. It becomes difficult to manage different operations simultaneously manually. This process results in human errors and wastes a lot of time. But now you don’t need about this problem. This is because I am introducing you to an advanced Multi-User Salon Booking System for your Staff will love. 

It is a cloud-based system that helps manage all your business tasks. It is accessible to your entire team from the receptionist to the marketing manager with authorized permission. The software provides a visual calendar for every staff member. This shows their appointments and availability from one dashboard. Employees can easily manage their tasks from this software and this increases their productivity to do more work.

#6. Ask Employee feedback

At every business, there are always some employees who face some issues but are not confident to share them with the manager. This results in unsolved issues which affects their productivity. So, the best you can do to avoid this situation is as your staff’s feedback. These are the following ways you can ask their concerns.

  • Provide Regular Feedback survey forms.
  • Give them the freedom to talk to the manager anytime they want.
  • Have one-to-one meetings with the employees to discuss their problems.
  • Hold meetings where staff can talk as a group about specific topics or problems.

All these methods solve their problems and motivate them to work easily without any problems.

#7. Staff Appreciation Publicly

One of the best ways to increase your salon employee engagement is to appreciate them in public. Don’t make them wait to ask for it. Show appreciation whenever you find the best time, especially in public. For example: you can praise them in front of customers while they are providing services. Another best time is in team meetings. You can also post your best employees on your social media pages. This will make them feel happy, proud, and motivated.

#8. Track Employee performance

Keeping a record of your employee’s performance means checking how they are doing in their jobs. Firstly, define each employee’s job role and what is expected of them. You can use key performance indicators to review their performance such as client retention, sales generated, upselling percentage, and more. 

Reviewing all these factors helps you understand their strength & weaknesses and pay your staff commission based on them. I recommend you use Salonist software with advanced features to track every activity of your employees. This will make your work super easy as it provides detailed reports. You can check these reports and provide solutions according to this. This keeps them satisfied and happy to perform much better.

#9. Conduct Employee Satisfaction Survey

Conduct an employee satisfaction survey to learn their feelings and expectations about working at your salon. Use paper forms, online surveys, or interviews to ask employees whether they are satisfied with the job, experiencing any workload, or want to give suggestions. This helps you find where they are facing problems and what makes them happy. Make changes according to their needs. This will boost their morale and reduce turnover. 

#10. Provide Professional Training

Organize professional training programs at your salon to improve employees’ skills and knowledge. This is especially important to update them about the latest trends and technologies. Provide online workshops and classes that guide them through new techniques, coloring methods, etc. Also, conduct sessions to train them in customer handling skills, sanitation practices, etc. This will improve their skills and motivate them to provide good customer service.

#11. Equip Your Salon with High-Quality tools

High-Quality tools

Invest in high-quality tools and equipment for your staff and stylist. This makes their job easier and quicker. Choose a well-known brand that provides durable products. These products may initially cost you more but last longer and perform better. These tools reduce accident risks and give the best results in haircuts, coloring, or styling.  This increases employee job satisfaction and boosts morale.

#12. Share Responsibilities

Sometimes, salons are busy when there are too many clients but the staff members are comparatively lesser. Each person has to handle multiple tasks, increasing the work burden on employees. They work longer hours without enough breaks. This makes them feel tired and less productive. The best you can do is share responsibilities among employees.

Make a list of all your salon operations such as haircuts, appointments, client queries, etc. Assign duties to each employee according to their strengths and weaknesses. This lets them manage their amount of work in a better way without feeling stressed. 

#13. Show Good Salon leadership Skills


Don’t forget that your staff are humans too, and it is natural when they make mistakes. Never lose your cool and be supportive of them. If you feel that they need your guidance have a one-to-one conversation with them in private. So communicate with your Salon Staff by saying” Let us discuss this” rather than scolding them in front of other team members.

This will protect their dignity and increase your respect in the workplace. Make them feel comfortable, friendly, and respected. Say to them” We are together in this “ or “Let us reach this goal together”. Your presence at every step motivates them to give their best.

#14. Provide Salon Staff Incentives

Provide attractive incentives, and offers to your employees to motivate them to work with more dedication and hard work. You can provide financial bonuses to them for meeting targets and say” Great job this month, here’s your bonus for your hard work”. Offer small rewards like extra holidays, gift cards, etc. You can also provide your staff commission on product or service sales. Rewards and incentives make employees feel happier at work and boost their productivity.

#15. Offer Social Welfare Benefit

Another way to improve staff performance is to offer them social welfare benefits. This will keep them satisfied with their job and increase loyalty. Following are the examples of benefits you can provide to your employees. Check them now!

  • Provide them with health insurance plans. Cover their medical expenses like medications, visits, etc, in this.
  • Plan retirement or pension schemes to help them save for their future.
  • You can also offer family support benefits like maternity and paternity leave.

All these plans reduce employees’ stress and keep them dedicated to work.

#16. Maintain Fairness Among All Members

No one likes to work in a toxic workplace with unfair politics and appraisals. There must be no unfair methods of promotions or practices at your salon. Maintain fairness and provide equal growth opportunities for all employees. Make sure your salon policies are transparent and apply fairly to all members. Distribute workload equally without overburdening any one person. This increases employees’ workplace motivation and increases their trust in your business.

#17. Celebrate Small Staff Victories

Your staff members deserve the major credit for your business’s success. So, you must also celebrate their small victories. This keeps them happy and motivated. Remember their birthdays, anniversaries, etc, and plan a small surprise party for them. Also, praise them for small wins at the end of the day to day or week. Use verbal appreciation like” Good job! You did well when you handled the difficult client today!” This will boost employee morale and encourage them to work harder to get your appreciation.

#18. Promote Work-Life Balance

A healthy work-life balance is important to keep your employees always motivated. Provide flexible working hours to staff. This makes it easier for them to balance their personal and professional work. Give them regular breaks and holidays to recharge their energy. Implement wellness or mental health support programs. Create a positive workspace that respects family responsibilities. This will make employees feel comfortable and motivated to give their best for the salon.

#19. Provide Opportunities for Career Growth

Many employees shift their jobs because they feel their growth is stopped here. So, provide them with career growth opportunities. Understand their future goals and offer them mentorships on this. Give them career growth directions, which makes them feel motivated and stay loyal to your business.

#20. Fair Salary Criteria

Don’t forget your employees work harder to grow your salon business. So, you must provide them with fair and regular salaries. Never exploit any employees. Set a salary package that matches their job profile and responsibilities. Consider their experience, education, targeted archived, etc. You can use a Salonist beauty salon management software to manage your staff’s payroll. It calculates their bonus, leaves, and deductions, to accurately calculate their salaries. This builds employees’ trust and motivates them to generate more sales for your business.

#21. Organize Team-building Activities

Teamwork is crucial for running salon operations smoothly. Your employees work in shifts, some at day and some at night. This gives them very little time to interact with other team members. So, organize team-building activities at your salon. Take them for outings like dinner dates, picnics, or sports events. You can also plan some fun games in the salon. This gives them a little time to relax and strengthens their bond, boosting their confidence.

#22. Use Customer Feedback

Use Customer Feedback

Lastly, one of the easiest ways to boost your staff members’ confidence is to show them positive customer feedback. Use beauty salon management software to share good customer reviews. This makes them feel they are doing the right services and excelling in their role. Thus, customer feedback boosts staff’s morale, and they work more efficiently


Thus, here we come up with the top 20+ effective ideas to increase salon staff motivation and productivity. I would suggest you read these points in detail and implement them at your workplace. These methods increase your staff productivity in salons and motivate them to complete their tasks with proper efficiency. I also guarantee that following these tips will increase your business efficiency and you will generate more revenue.

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