Salonist SMS Marketing: Money Making SMS to Increase Revenue

POSTED BY Cathrine William

SMS Marketing

What frustrates the more to stylists or technicians?

It is when the customers miss the appointment!!

And, then, you have to deal with no-shows!!

The main aspect that leads to such circumstances is the communication barrier!!


If there could be any medium of communication, then how can your salon business experience any sort of loss?

Indeed, you are working hard in your salon business, but, if you are not keeping the communications and marketing intact, then you can see a decline in your salon business revenue.

Hence, there is a need to choose the best marketing channel, that can assure regular communication with customers, drive more business opportunities, and reduce the number of missed appointments. With so many marketing tools, SMS marketing is the everlasting one for salons or spas.

Why SMS marketing?

When it comes to customer engagement, there is nothing better than SMS. It has the capacity to beat social media and emails. It is estimated that:

  • SMS messages have an open rate of 98%.
  • These have a 209% higher response rate than email, phone, or any social media channel.
  • Approximately 90% of the SMS are read in 3 minutes only.
  • In 2020, there will be 48.7 million customers who will prefer to get business SMS messages.
  • As not everyone has internet access and a smartphone, 5 billion customers can send and receive SMS messages.
  • Daily, 23 billion text messages are sent worldwide.

The above statistics state that it is essential for salons to consider SMS as their best mode of communication.

The salon software, like Salonist, generally includes the mass SMS provider not only to assure two-way communication, but also to reach the customer effectively. The customers can easily revert to the message, and the responses can be tracked in the salon management software. The software holds the whole chat history that the customer can access from their account. These could be later used as references.

Most of the salon owners think about whether the SMS is profitable for them or not. Give us the privilege to answer this. The certainty is that SMS is not only helpful but is the game-changer in the beauty industry. Even if you are struggling to maintain your position in the market or if you are new, SMS messages in bulk can provide volume to all of your marketing efforts.

What is SMS marketing?

SMS marketing is the distribution of messages to a target audience around the world. It is effective for all salon types as it helps to achieve different goals in a short period of time.

There are several reasons that make SMS marketing an effective tool. Below are some of the main factors describing why you should use it:

#Wide audience coverage

Nowadays, five billion customers use mobile communications, so SMS marketing offers ample opportunities to interact with the audience. It is limited only by the level of creativity of the company and the list of phone numbers.

#High engagement rate

Customers check their mobile phones up to 80 times a day, which is why SMS campaigns show a high rate of open rate.

#Lots of opportunities for business development

Companies use SMS marketing to advertise their products and services, notify subscribers about new products and promotions, notify them about discounts and contests, remind them about events, confirm passwords, send news, and so on.

#Suitable for small, medium and large Salons

Salons of any type, such as small, medium, or large, use SMS marketing as a tool to communicate with a wider audience.

#Instant contact with customers

Typically, SMS campaign delivery takes 3–6 seconds. The speed of message delivery is one of the fundamental factors in the effectiveness of SMS marketing.

#No bounce

Unlike email marketing, SMS marketing campaigns do not bounce. Even if the mobile device is out of range or turned off, the SMS will be delivered to customers as soon as the phone is reconnected.

#Improve Salon revenue

When the customers do not show up for the appointment, the salon has to face money and time loss. With the SMS appointment reminders, you can improve the salon profit rates and keep the stylists busy all day. This type of marketing is the best way to get in touch with customers you have not seen for a while.

#Simple Customization

Salons have customers with different needs and requirements. Sometimes, when some customers have discovered a suitable location, they prefer to return to the same salon for further services. From the autoresponders and data collection, you can leverage the pattern with upcoming appointments, reminders to book, special discounts, and offers according to the previous services or purchased products.

#Works great in conjunction with other channels

SMS marketing is used with email marketing and web push notifications. Experienced marketers combine these channels to achieve their goals. Sometimes they set up automatic SMS distribution to those users who have not read the letter.

#Improves the brand’s personality

Despite making money, it is essential that your salon achieves the desired heights. With SMS, you can improve brand loyalty. After securing an appointment, you can acknowledge the customers regarding referrals and reviews. It could be further used in salon marketing to build a definite image in the beauty industry.

#No special skills required

It is easy to create SMS campaigns; the whole process takes no more than five minutes.

How Salonist SMS marketing assures high revenue

#1. Appointment Reminders

Those customers who prefer SMS for appointment reminders are 55%, whereas those who prefer email for the same are 35%. The SMS is reliable for the customers, additionally, it prevents or lowers the occurrence of no-shows.

If your customers cancel the appointment at the last minute, then, you can send the text to the other customers who are waiting to book an appointment. Tell them your slot is free and you are ready to book them. With the Salonist capacity to connect a calendar, text reminders for appointments can be sent automatically.

#2. Exclusive Discounts and Coupons

With the special offers, particularly for text subscribers, the salon owners can add value to the program by assuring customer loyalty. As most texts are addressed promptly on the receipt, you can send the time-sensitive discounts as the best way to attract customers to the salon and spa during the slow period.

When the popular or new products are in stock, you can also send an SMS with the particulars to the VIP followers and provide them with the opportunity of the first shot.

#3. Events

As a salon or spa owner, getting customers to your salon doors is a tough task. With SMS marketing, the salon owners can send offers about product launch procedures or parties, open houses to existing and new customers, and assure the customer’s attention.

You can use the text message to invite the subscribers to the events to assure them that they know about them and can share them easily with their friends. With the Salonist tracking feature, the salon owners can reward customers who click on the event page.

#4. Contests

The salon services on time become pricey. The need for self-care and pampering, that originates from the treatment is usually irresistible. Pitch the fantasy and excite your customers with sweepstakes.

Give away an outstanding prize, such as complimentary service or gift certificates. Use the keyword for the customers to text in, and then promote it. The salon software will do the best.

#5. Beauty Tips

In addition to using SMS to support your salon or spa bottom line, texting can help you improve brand awareness. Position the salon owner as an industry expert by texting monthly or weekly wellness or beauty tips.

You can write a different tip each week, or with the auto-responder feature, use the series of tips that new subscribers will achieve once a week automatically after signing-in.

#6. Get Feedback on Services

Text out the surveys after the spa services or salon appointment to capture customer feedback. With the link tracking abilities, you can know who completed and opened the surveys and then, send them offers or discounts to post the reviews on Google to attract new customers.

#7. Communicate with employees

Though, every day there are several customers who visit your salon with no choice about who they see,. Hence, to maintain the smoothness and effectiveness of things, use SMS to manage the communication in the salon or spa. The employees can send the message if they are not feeling well and request to fill in the appointments with others.

The receptionists can also send the new bookings to every salon owner to assure they are staying organized. Despite all the needs, the Salonist software keeps every internal communication professional and organized.

#8. Share Forms

Generally, it is common for Salon or Spa treatments to start filling out forms- injury or allergy notifications, pain points for a massage, general consent to treat, or verification of age. Send these forms to the customers via SMS to either sign or print, or offer a signature to save time and assure the appointment starts on schedule.

#9. Build a Rewards Program

Loyalty is all the salon employees and customers look for. Let the customer feel valued with the SMS on their birthdays or anniversaries and give rewards for the assured services.

The contacts can be segmented into categories according to the length of time they have been customers,  how much they are spending, etc. Customize the messages as per the customer requirements and services offered, and then, you can retain the customers for the coming years.

Automated Marketing

Eradicate the stress your salon is facing with SMS marketing. The SMS could be useful in automated marketing in the following ways:

  • Thank you for your messages

It is essential to be in the customers’ good books. After taking services at the salon, send them sweet and short messages thanking them for choosing the salon. It is the best way to amplify the brand and assure customer relationships.

  • Feedback requests

For the improvement of credibility and brand awareness over the internet, having reviews from customers is essential. With Salonist, you can receive reviews from selected channels, like, Google, Facebook, Instagram, and Bing.

  • Rebooking messages

The best way to amplify the bookings on the salon scheduling software is by sending rebooking reminders to the customers.

For instance; when the customer is due for the pedicure and manicure, send them an SMS in advance and ask them to rebook with you. You can check the customer history on the salon appointment booking software and customize the rebooking messages.

  • Reconnect messages

The best part about SMS is that it can be used to connect with customers you have not heard of or seen for a long time. Delight them with the discount coupons or offers so that they can book with you immediately.

Wrapping Up

That’s all from our side!!

But, the job does not end after sending the SMS, the main thing is that it should get opened and read. Below are the essential tips to attain more from the SMS:

  • Text message personalization with the first name.
  • Do not make the messages lengthy; maintain the shortness and sweetness.
  • Find out the exact time to send the messages. The time when the messages can be read.
  • Maintain the database and keep the customer information up-to-date.
  • Let the customer leave ratings or reviews. Attract them with influential offers or discounts.
  • Do not think about spamming. If you spam the customers, then they will not choose the SMS service.

Undoubtedly, SMS is here to improve the salon ROI. Use them to uplift your sales and improve customer volume. So, opt for SMS marketing today and learn how it changes the beauty business.

Hopefully, you liked this article. If you have any queries or suggestions, then let us know in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading!

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