12 Easy Skin Care Tips for a Fresh and Glowing Complexion

POSTED BY Cathrine William

Skin Care Tips

Beautiful skin can either come from the genetic lottery or through a consistent skincare routine. If you weren’t blessed with eternally clean skin, this article can help you get that dewy complexion with these 12 skin care tips.

12 Easy Skin Care Tips

#1. Know your Skin Type

You can easily filter through the skincare product choices if you know your skin type. That’s why that’s the preliminary step before you start constructing your skincare routine.

There are five main types of skin that you should consider yourself falling into:

  1. Normal: This skin type doesn’t veer towards any particular issue, so most, if not all, skin products could work for them.
  2. Dry: If your skin loses moisture quickly, a dry skin type might be in your category.
  3. Oily: You likely have oily skin if your skin gets greasy, even with the mildest heat.
  4. Sensitive: If you avoid skincare products because they always cause a breakout, you probably have sensitive skin.
  5. Combination: Sometimes, you’re not just one skin type. You could be a hybrid of dry, oily, and sensitive.

Once you know your skin type, use that as a barometer to understand which products to choose from the thousands in the skincare market.

#2. Choose the Right Cleanser

Cleanse your skin before pasting on your skincare potions. The cleansing step eliminates dead skin cells on your skin. With those dead skin cells gone, your skincare products have fewer barriers against them, so they absorb deeper into your skin.

Not only that, but cleansing also removes excess makeup.

People with dry skin might feel that many cleansers dry their skin, like in the Sahara desert. In this case, avoid any foaming cleansers. If you’ve got oily skin, cleansers can be a welcome respite, but you might feel more thoroughly cleansed if you do double cleansing.

If you have sensitive skin, avoid overly stringent cleansers or ones with strong perfume because these cleansers could irritate your skin the most.

#3. Add a Gentle Exfoliator to Your Routine

A step to add to your routine, but only weekly, would be an exfoliation phase.

Even with cleansing, there are parts of your face that a cleanser can’t get to. That’s why you should have a biweekly exfoliation phase for a more intense buildup removal process.

There are physical and chemical exfoliators. Many skincare professionals prefer chemical exfoliators because they can penetrate much deeper into your skin than a physical exfoliator. They also don’t require you to feel like you’re scraping the barnacles of the boat, so to speak, the same way physical exfoliators do.

Limit your exfoliation to once or twice a week. Otherwise, you can be stripping your skin’s top layer too often. Don’t forget to exfoliate your lips because they need that TLC, too.

#4. Use a Hydrating Toner

After cleansing your face, you should then use a toner.

You should avoid using the toner to remove the dirt your cleanser didn’t remove. It’s better if most of the dirt and debris on your face is already gone before it gets to the toning phase. Although there’s no harm in getting rid of excess dirt on your face with the toner, it has beneficial qualities that you should absorb.

Remember that your toner shouldn’t sting your face like we thought older toners were supposed to.

Also, avoid moving on from the toning phase too fast. Give it the chance to sink into your skin, which should be quick since most toners don’t have too thick of a consistency anyway.

#5. Use a Good Moisturizer that Suits Your Skin

There are some skincare steps that you can skip, much to the chagrin of skincare enthusiasts. But an undoubtedly unskippable step would be the moisturizing phase.

A moisturizer brings back the bulk of our skin’s moisture needs after cleaning and exfoliating it has stripped those off.

When you have oilier skin, you might think you can get away with skipping moisturizer because you don’t want to be a grease machine. However, your skin could be greasy in the first place because it’s compensating for the lack of moisture your skin has. Instead of not doing it, opt for lighter moisturizers, like gels, if grease is an issue.

For people with dry skin, you need denser and heavier moisturizers for your skin to actually feel moisturized. Watery or gel moisturizers aren’t hydrating enough, so opt for creamier textures.

#6. Always use Sunscreen

Sunscreen should be an unskippable step in your indoor or outdoor routine.

You might think to skip this step if you’re somewhere cold, but sunscreen protects your skin not from the sun’s warmth but from its UV rays. Those are present day and night, but more so during the day. Even when it’s cloudy outside, snowy, or raining, UV rays are there, so your sunscreen should be there, too.

By the way, the very lowest your sunscreen should go is SPF 15, but it should ideally be at SPF 30.

#7. Invest in IPL hair removal

Hair can get in the way of skincare products absorbing deeper into your skin. If you want to remove some facial hair, consider using IPL hair removal.

Since IPL is best for short hair removal areas, it’s best for minute facial hair. It’s also less likely to give you bums and razor burns. Once you remove the facial hair, your skin might feel much clearer and fresher.

#8. Stay hydrated 

The power of a good skincare routine can offset poor daily habits that affect your skin. But, if you want longevity and to make your life a lot easier, drinking water often and staying hydrated is a great way to maintain the moisture your skincare products give you.

Drinking lots of water helps. Other things that you can consume that hydrate you internally are vegetables and fruits.

On the other side of that, there are consumables that can leave you feeling dehydrated, like coffee and alcohol. So, avoid those.

#9. Apply a face mask

Applying a face mask once or twice a week can be a great way to add more moisture to your face. It’s great for when you feel like you need that extra boost of hydration, like when you’re going out for an event or taking pictures of yourself.

Don’t forget to use the excess face mask serum on your neck.

#10. Use a vitamin C serum

Brightening serums like vitamin C serums are an excellent choice for making your skin look glowing. Just ensure you aren’t using it during the day without sun protection, as Vitamin C can cause your skin to darken when it comes into contact with sunlight.

Check whether your Vitamin C serum can be used in the daylight, as not all serums are formulated the same.

#11. Get enough sleep

Another lifestyle habit that can benefit your skin is getting enough sleep.

With healthier and more rejuvenating sleep habits, you are less likely to get under eye darkness. Quality sleep is also the time for your skin to rejuvenate itself through the night. You can support that rejuvenating mode better by using a night mask that you could use before going to sleep.

#12. Invest in a laser treatment

Treat yourself and invest in laser treatment for your skin.

One of the reasons why you should consider getting an annual facial laser treatment is because it’s a great method to remove sun spots.

Have an upcoming big event to attend? A laser treatment can give your skin an extra special glow, which can make you feel your best during special events.

It’s an undeniably costlier investment than, say, a moisturizer, but it’s not like you’re doing it every day, so consider it a treat.


These skin care tips should make your goal of glowing and fresh skin more reachable. Therefore, if you haven’t built your skincare routine yet, consider these skin care tips to get healthy-looking skin you’ll love.

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