Salon Customers Service: 10 Easy Tips for the Post-COVID Era

POSTED BY Julia Ching

Salon Customers Service

Quality salon customers service has always remained the top priority.

But, after the outbreak of COVID-19, salon owners have become more cautious.


The reason—they need to follow precautions to serve the customers!

Indeed, the pandemic has taught us the true essence of cleanliness and sanitation in our lives.

As salon business is also all about beauty, personal hygiene, sanitation, etc., this time demands you to make some changes in the way of delivering salon customer service. It is necessary to take all the measures to assure customers that they are in safe hands.

There is a need to follow all safety measures and Covid guidelines in the Salon to make your customers feel safe in this crisis.

Considering that, let’s take you through some secret tips to follow in the post COVID situation in salon to remain the top priority for your customers.

Tips to Excel in Salon Customers Service – Post Covid

#1. Spread the word about new norms in your salon

COVID has changed the scenario in all the sectors, including Salons as well. So, you need to be aware and educate your customers regarding the new norms of your salon.

If customers are not made to learn regarding the same, they will come with usual expectations.

They may get hurt when their expectations are not be fulfilled. Thus, this will ruin their experience and you don’t want to disappoint your clients after such a long break. Better brief them regarding the new changes.

Send them a text expressing the top concerns on their appointment confirmation. Let clients know what are the restrictions and guidelines for the reopening.

Outline what you are permitted to do by your state or local government, like reopening date, closing and opening time of salons, etc. As a result, they will better understand your concern and preferences.

#2. Leverage online appointments

In this critical situation, online booking is the best way to make your clients feel safe. A disease in which one of the safety measures is to maintain distance and avoid touches, online booking is a boon in such a case.

For this, you need to buy salon software with online booking features. We recommend stopping all the traditional appointment processes, like standing in queues for some time. “Salonist” is the #1 Online bookings system, eliminates the necessity of standing in queues.

Using this salon software not only improves the customer’s experience but saves them from the chances of getting in contact with this virus as well.

#3. First impression counts

After such a long break, customers will surely observe keenly what safety measures you are practicing to maintain customer safety. So, remember, you don’t have to give a single reason.

Win their trust by following all the rules. Wear masks, gloves, and keep sanitizing your hands. Assure your clients that their safety is your prime responsibility.

Put posters on salon walls with quotes like you are the source of our bread and butter, we owe you, and your safety is our liability. Create an ambiance reflecting.

#4. Practice touchless checkouts

The more we can maintain distance and avoid touches, the more it is good. Customers would love your efforts. Every effort of yours signifies gestures of concern and how valuable your clients are for you.

With the help of a powerful POS system. You can offer online payments to your salon customers, this eliminates the need for touching cards. Thus, you can seamlessly provide contactless check out to your salon customers.

These automated tools not only act as a savior in this critical COVID situation but let you save tons of paper also.

#5. Conduct pre-visit consultations online

Instead of face-to-face physical consultations, start practicing pre-visit virtual consultations. This will maintain social distance and work greatly as per covid norms.

You can have a chit-chat with your clients to personalize their experiences. Do ask their preferences, choices, or what they are allergic to, this will enhance their experience. And yes, don’t forget to ask if they are facing any changes in their body due to Covid. Give them treatments, services according to that.

For instance, if somebody has recovered himself from COVID and, in the respective duration, has gone through hair loss, use mild products in such cases. Modify salon customers service services according to their necessity.

#6. Consistent disinfecting after serving every client

The more we keep cleaning, the more we can keep this disease away from us. Your post Covid salon customers service must include proper and consistent sanitation.

After serving every customer, make sure to disinfect every touchpoint client might have come into contact with. Maintaining all safety measures before clients will assure them that you are taking all the COVID guidelines seriously.

Thus, they will never think twice about coming back to your salon.  Also, customers will surely spread good words for your beauty salon.

#7. Use disposable tools

Using disposable tools is the most effective way to maintain cleanliness and sanitation and to minimize the chances of the spread of this disease.

The best part of disposable tools is you can straightly discard them after use. As the disease is communicable, follow every practice that can minimize its spread.

For example, use disposable nail cleaning tools to maintain safety and hygiene.

#8. Reduce the number of persons in a treatment room

While serving clients, make sure not to occupy the place with unnecessary visitors. There should only be the client and the Salon staff serving.

Control overcrowding as much as you can.  Advise your clients not to bring people who don’t have to take any service.

And if there is any urgency, let them know in advance so they can make space arrangements accordingly. More will be the safety with fewer people.

#9. Adhering to no-talk protocols while serving clients

Minimize communications as much as you can. Remember, things have changed now. Earlier salon staff used to talk to clients while serving them, but now teach your staff to cut down communications as much as they can.

Because when you are offering facials, hair spas, etc to your clients, the service provider and the client both are breathing in the same area. So, a big no-no in the case of COVID.

You can use of signs to ease the communication process. Nod your head up and down to say yes or no. You can also use your hands to minimize verbal communication as much as possible.

Or if there is an extreme necessity, maintain distance while communicating.

#10. Promote safer check-ins

After reopening of salons, make sure, in the process of not missing any sales, you don’t overcrowd your workstation. Promote online check-ins, ask customers to update their check-in via SMS.

Request your clients to come according to the time so they don’t have to wait much. If they come slightly earlier, they can wait in their car to maintain safety. Explain to clients that it is for their safety, they will surely understand.


Quality salon customers service is an integral component of every beauty salon but after this pandemic, it has become a core part of the beauty industry.

You have again the chance to regain all the suffered losses due to COVID 19. You can increase your revenue, profits, sales, clientele, etc. So don’t leave any sign of carelessness on your part.

Maintain all the safety measures to assure your customers that they are safe.

Lastly, do share your valuable opinions with us in the comments.

Thank you for sharing your precious time!

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