Raise Salon Prices Without Losing Clients: Read The Tips

POSTED BY Cathrine William

Salon Prices

Prices can never remain constant in the salon or any other business sector. With the passage of time, it needs to be revised and restructured again. 

With the rise in living costs and inflation, every year businesses need to revise their prices. Above that, if you are serving top-notch services and never compromise on the quality, a rise in prices just doesn’t bother your clientele. 

Your customers also understand your situation, what matters most to them is your services. If you consistently meet that and promise to continuously deliver the same, your hike in salon prices is not going to affect them. 

So, don’t be scared that you may lose clients upon price increase. It has to happen one day so do it confidently. You may lose some clients but you will get new clients as well if delivering quality services is your prime objective. So, with this, you can convert new clients into regular salon clients.

So, let’s make you learn the right time and how to increase prices in your salon

When it’s high time to Raise salon prices 

#1. Ask without hesitation if your services are versatile

If you offer exceptional services that other salons in the market are not delivering you can confidently raise salon prices. Your customers will also understand that your salon and its services are distinct from other beauty brands. 

And it is evident that customers never feel bad paying for something exclusive with supreme quality. 

#2. You have brought changes in your services and equipment

If you have improved your services, switched to more professional products and equipment, you might have invested a huge monetary sum into the same. And to recover the same investment, you will surely increase the prices. 

You don’t need to worry, your customers will themselves understand the reason behind the rise in price. They only expect quality services which should not be declined. 

So, if you are afraid of asking for a higher price on your services, remember you have devoted your time and efforts to deliver quality customer service.

#3. The rise in living cost

This is something very obvious and natural that cannot be neglected. The cost of living increases with the span of time. 

When prices of everything in the market increase, salon prices can’t. Customers need to understand this and your prudent customers will surely understand your situation. 

If you are failing to make ends meet, then it’s sure that this time is to give yourself a raise. 

#4. If you are going through financial constraints

If your salon business is going through financial losses, making some adjustments in your salon prices can be the only savior. You can’t hesitate or step back to make an increase in salon prices. This is only the smart move to survive your business and eliminate the chances of your business getting insolvent. 

Compensate the rise in prices by delivering extraordinary customer service so it doesn’t sound absurd to your customers. 

Right ways to Raise salon prices without losing clients

*Be confident, not hesitant announcing new price list

Be confident in making some adjustments to your salon prices. While announcing the same it must be clear and concise to your audiences. It shouldn’t hold ambiguity. 

Simply and straightly keep things crystal clear. Explain the legitimate reasons for the hike in prices. 

Make them clear how the higher prices come with high-quality services and they will not repent paying for the same.

*Be prepared to answer customers queries 

The rise in price will surely disappoint your customers. They will definitely put their query forward and expect a reasonable answer in return. 

So, you have to be prepared for all their queries and keep a ground to keep their mouth mum. When you will explain all the legitimate reasons and how you are going to deliver services in a more improved way they will understand. Also, they may test you by giving you one chance after the price increase. 

If they will observe new improvements and consistency to meet quality services they are not gonna leave you.

So get yourself prepared with all the possible questions that your customers may encounter. 

*Announce the price changes in advance

Your lovely clients should not get shocked by the sudden change in your salon services price. Hearing this will surely disappoint them.

Better to make them prepare by announcing the same in advance. There will be chances that many of them will discontinue taking services from you but still, the announcement needs to be delivered.

Prior communication will help them to make appointments according to their budget. Also, if they switch to any other brand and don’t get the same services as you, they will surely come back regardless of your prices. 

So how to spread the price change word effectively to aware your customers regarding the same. Firstly display the date, month from when prices are going to be altered. Then display your new price list on your website, booking portals, social media, business listing pages, and of course your salon.  

Concluding Remarks 

Well, Raise salon prices is natural and it has to happen with running time. However, there is a contingency you may lose clients upon announcing this news, but you have to accept this instead of getting scared of losing clients. 

Just explain the solid reasons behind bringing this new change to your salon. You should be able to justify the hike in prices to your customers. 

Those who believe in quality services are not going to leave you and they are truly loyal customers. 

Not raising prices because of the fear of losing clients may cost you badly. But if there is a need to alter salon prices you must go ahead.  

Remember, you can build your clientele again on the basis of your loyal customers as their good words can promote you greatly in the competitive market.

So, don’t think too much, if there is a need to increase prices. Go ahead without thinking much.  

You can drop your views in the comment section to let us know how our write-up has helped you. 

Thanks for reading!

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