Tips to Optimize Your Beauty Business Scheduling

POSTED BY Sophie Jobs

Optimize Your Beauty Business Scheduling

Scheduling is not a piece of cake! Mainly, it is the prime factor on which the salon industry relies the most. Not only in terms of profitability but also in establishing a strong customer base, this is essential.  However, my research says that last-minute cancellations, double bookings, no-shows, etc. are the worst nightmares for salon owners. Fundamentally, they are also hurdles in the seamless beauty business scheduling process. 

So, what to do? How can you assure them they will revisit your salon?  However, it is evident that you are following the strategies for the right booking process. But my question here is: are they thriving enough or are they capturing customers’ attention? Probably your answer is no! Dear, it is melting down your business success with passing time.

Believe me, there are tried and tested tips that can convert leads into loyal customers and make beauty business scheduling optimal. Fact: Salon software is primarily what you require for your salon business. It is one of those solutions that takes away the excess load and lets you work on services, products, and other essential areas that are highly important. 

Considerably, if you want to improve the beauty business scheduling process, then read this article. There is nothing wrong with a better start late than never

What is the science behind Salon scheduling?

It is the process by which salon staff’s available hours are booked with the services they are proficient in with the customers. In all, the whole purpose is to serve customers the right way at the right time by the right stylist. The end result is nothing but improvements in customer satisfaction rates, hence a boost in salon growth rate. 

As a salon owner, you must assure that service rates define the timing of the services provided. Believe it or not, timing is what makes the services valuable. 

Also, before knowing the staff’s availability of time, tell me the resources your salon has. What is the number of rooms you have for treatments? Is your salon capable of running different shifts to boost footfall?

With that question, answer if you can improve and optimize resources for boosting the beauty business scheduling process. If so, then, stay with me for a little more time to learn how!

How to Automate Scheduling Process of Salon

#1. Leverage Technology to its best

Automate Scheduling Process of Salon

Stop using manual ways of handling the customer’s appointments. Rather than this, enter the digital world and integrate salon software into your business. 

It is the solution that makes bookings easy and automates administrative and operational tasks. The best part of the system is that it provides the assistance your salon requires for an effective outcome. In addition, the software is what does almost all of your work.

Considerably, it assists in improving the customer’s appointments. With a click or a single tap, the customer can book with your salon. Furthermore, it includes the services that customers can check while booking.

There are many software programs out there that have cluster booking. Using this, the booking process can be optimized. That is to say, along with the primary services, the secondary services are also booked.  Considerably, if your service is hair coloring, then, hair finishing or blow-dry services will be automatically added. Of course, you do not want to set such standards for letting customers leave your salon with wet hair. 

Also, remember resource management when streamlining the process of scheduling. Like, if there is one room for services, then, how can you give facials to different customers at one time. Here, the service area is what the resource is. 

The best salon solution includes features such as online booking, reminder systems, reporting and analytics, customer and employee management, multi-location management, etc. 

#2. Make Online Booking Accessible

Is your salon facing booking request chaos? Are you able to handle it effectively? What about letting customers book themselves with the time slot and the staff member they want to serve with? 

I advise you to enable customers to schedule their appointments online using salon booking software. Also, social media handles and your salon site could be used for appointment booking. Give them the freedom to choose the time they can book instead of sparing time during their office hours.

Also, they can either reschedule or cancel their appointment in case of an emergency or busy schedule. Considering this, you can book the other customers in the loop and ensure regular customer flow. Regularly updating appointments eliminates the chances of no-shows and last-minute cancellations. 

Using this tactic, the salon staff does not even need to worry about any missed calls or call customers to ensure their visit to the salon.  Yes, it lets them focus and improves the service quality.  Online booking not only eases the appointment scheduling process but even saves resources and, most importantly, time.

#3. Reminder and Notification System For Your Benefit

The major issue that most salons experience is no-shows and canceling appointments at the last minute. It is a major revenue loss. Here, the feature of the reminder and notification system from Salon management software helps. There is a saying that this feature reduces business losses by approximately 70%. 

When it is used as a reminder system for customers before one or two days, they will update on the same. Either they will confirm, reschedule, or cancel from the Salon software. Accordingly, you can book the other customers in the row.

Undeniably, it saves plenty of time that was being consumed by manually entering customer details and calling for confirmation. 

#4. Create a Waiting List

There is nothing wrong with making a waiting list. Although, it is an ideal approach to scheduling appointments the right way,. It fills the salon’s schedule perfectly. If there is a sudden cancellation of an appointment, then, the possibilities of filling out the time and date are greater.

All you have to do is move another one in the list considering the services they require to consume the same then as compared to appointments booked before. Does not matter if a scheduling manual or Salon software is used, generating a waiting list is important. And for that,  you require:

  • Their name and other contact details
  • Note down the required services
  • Mention the staff member’s name they like to take service from
  • What is the time they like to take service; Is the customer comfortable in booking an appointment in the evening? Do they require services that take more time and a particular stylist? Is there any other information (physical limitation) you must know?

All of the above details are required to be noted, particularly when there is an available time slot. Prompt services can be given with full satisfaction. 

Check out the features of the waiting list while selecting the Salon software. And, that just pops up or sends a notification of another person available to book. 

#5. Enable Walk-Ins

Yes, we cannot deny the ease and seamless experience online booking provides. But, walk-ins are still beneficial for securing a new customer base. 

That could be the existing customer bringing in their friends and family members for your Salon services. Also, it can be a person simply walking-in for hair-dos, mani-pedi, or other services. 

However, if I am emphasizing here on walk-ins, then, it does not mean that you overlook online customer appointments. Place a QR code on the main desk so that the customer can simply scan it and pay. Furthermore, find out if there are time slots available to schedule their booking in real-time.

One piece of advice here is to reserve the appointment slots for future walk-ins. You might be considering them as out of the league, but, believingly, they are highly helpful only when you will prioritize them. 

#6. Gain Benefits From Effective Marketing Strategies

If you are not marketing the Salon services and products the right way, then, you are wasting a lot of time. Follow the right steps for salon marketing. Organize campaigns and send emails and text messages to customers to involve and attract them.

Also, emails can be created and sent in bulk to notify of the new offers, discounts, or other essential announcements. Accordingly, they can get updated on new promotions, trends, or other interesting information. Post this on your social media channels as well to earn more engagement. 

Moreover, automated confirmations can be set up to bring in the existing customers to your Salon. In between the automated email and SMS, campaigns and rescheduling notification gets more sales. 

If there are some customers whom you have not seen in your Salon for long, use an automated reminder system for their revisit. Also, you can send them “new offers for you” or “we miss you” messages to entice them to communicate. 

#7. Include Easy and Reliable Payment Methods

The effective Point of Sale (POS) system is generally integrated into Salon management software. It eases the process of accepting payments, makes you free, and lets your focus on other beneficial Salon operations. 

There are several ways with which the Point of Sale improves the checkout process. It includes the options that allow the customers to save their card information. They can complete the payment quickly from the Salon software. Moreover, they can accept payments online when the customer books.  Assuredly, it makes the overall process convenient for customers and staff also. 

What more you can do is to take pre-payments or ask them to give details of a credit card while online booking and deduct the late cancellation charges automatically. Otherwise, the gap in the salon calendar could result in revenue loss. 

Concluding Remarks

The secret of salon success lies in making the salon customer happy and satisfied. And, if the Beauty Business Scheduling process is not up to the mark, then, you can lose a large percentage of customers. Therefore, it is vital to opt for solutions that not only improve the way of managing appointments but, even, give good revenue. Including the best Salon software is highly recommended. Salonist is a cloud-based Salon solution that is a great fit for beauty businesses. Despite the industry you are in and the size of business you have, its features and functionalities serve the best possible way.

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