6 CRM Software Features That Will Make Your Life Easier

POSTED BY Sophie Jobs

CRM Software Features

Your business runs through your customers. They are the ones who let you earn your bread and butter. So definitely they deserve to be prioritized. 

They are the backbone of every business. That’s why it’s important to maintain healthy terms with every existing customer. And a Customer relationship management software (CRM) empowers you fully to achieve this. Statistics from Forester has revealed that 50% of businesses enhance their productivity by using a mobile CRM.

A CRM solution can do much more than organizing customer contacts. The software holds much potential, it boosts the quantum of sales and also maintains customer loyalty alongside. 

The inbuilt automation process saves you tons of time and money. Thus, empowers the staff by enhancing their productivity by reducing work pressure. A CRM tool holds so much potential to make business owners work far easier.

Though there are numerous CRM software available in the market, you must embrace the one with the best features.

Well in this write-up our whole emphasis is on jotting down the best CRM features that will surely make your life easier. Stay connected with us.

Key Features to Look in a CRM Software

#1. Customers Data Management

Customers’ data management is one of the crucial aspects of any business. You can seamlessly segment your contacts into groups to organize and better cater to customers in a better way. 

With the incredible CRM capability, you can easily gather crucial customer data and bulid your marketing strategies when introducing new services or products.

While segregating contacts you can organize customer lists according to their preferences. This enables you to serve them in a better way. This is a key factor to increase customer satisfaction Rate!

#2. Third-Party Integration Capabilities

Another beneficial feature of CRM software is it offers third-party software integrations. When your CRM software gets integrated with other tools you already use can save you a lot of time and money.

While choosing any CRM software make sure it should be compatible with the other solutions you use. It should be user-friendly.

Following are the eight systems you should surely think about including on your CRM integrations list:

  • Marketing automation 
  • Calendar
  • Email
  • Customer support
  • Social media
  • Business intelligence

No integration is without challenges, you might face some compatibility issues for which you may require IT administration. 

#3. Lead Management to Filter High-Quality Leads 

Managing leads is one of the challenging parts of every business. It takes a lot of labor to assemble leads from different sources. And another difficult task is to turn every prospect into a loyal customer. 

A powerful customer relationship management software lets you manage your leads. It helps you identify your potential prospects. 

Also, CRM software skillfully filters the useful leads so that the sales team have not taken much pain. Rest is all in the sales team’s hands how to convert them into your customers. 

The software reduces staff stress in gathering leads as it’s the most tedious task. CRM proves to be a great companion for the sales team.

#3. Analytics and Reports 

Another fascinating feature of CRM software is customer analytics. A report based on deep customer analysis ultimately benefits the organization. Businesses can know the customer’s preferences, their purchasing activities, etc via analytics. It offers deep insights into customer data.

The data plays a significant role because it can help businesses make better decisions about the types of products, services, marketing, etc. Simply, it enhances the decision-making capability of an organization.

It gives you an analysis of customer segmentation and clear and concise profit and loss data to help you determine your ROI.

#4. Data Security

Your customer data is the main source of your revenue. Keeping a record of it via pen and paper is a tough job and difficult to preserve as well. In such a case there is always a threat of destruction of data. 

But having CRM software means no worries related to data preservation. The software takes care of your data smartly. 

For every business, customer data is highly valuable and the best way to preserve the same in the modern world is only CRM. Additionally, it frees your staff from the stress of data loss/security. 

The more people having the access to the same data, the more there are chances of data loss. That’s why to reduce the chances, many CRMs have the power to control the access. Only the admin has the authority to set data access. 

In this way, you can save your data as the control is done by one person only. 

This keeps your valuable data safe by integrating your business with powerful CRM software. 

#5. Employee Performance Monitoring

Better customer service can be calculated by the performance of employees. The more they serve in a great way the more it becomes easy for businesses to increase their clientele. For the sake of your customers, you need to keep an eye on the workflow of your employees. And it’s difficult to examine the same manually.

CRM software is a great way to track an employee’s day-to-day performance. The software empowers you to monitor employee’s work meticulously.

Also, the CRM tool enables the employees to track their own tasks, hours, meetings, sales numbers, goals, etc. This way you can easily evaluate every employee’s productivity. And on the basis of these analyses, you can reward your staff members. You can set incentives, reward points, promotions, etc based on deep insights. 

Most importantly, CRM solution acts as a mirror that shows truth to employees. Based on this, employees can evaluate where they are lacking and need to be improved. And the business owners can know where that respective employee needs to be trained.


Well from the above write-up now you are clear regarding the significance of having a CRM Solution. It hold great value for every business. 

It skillfully automates the customer sales and marketing departments. CRM software consolidates customer information so users can better organize and manage relationships.

So do deep research before choosing any CRM software. Make sure it holds all the key features.

Hopefully, our write-up proves to be productive to our readers. Any suggestions and queries are most welcome.

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