How to Grow Your Salon or Spa With Fewer Staff Members

POSTED BY Sophie Jobs

Tips to grow your salon

If you are running a salon or spa, here is good news for you. We are going to share something very beneficial that can take your business growth to the next level. In this write-up, our major emphasis is on how to grow your business with Fewer Staff Members. Embracing efficient salon software is the only answer.

Firstly, you need to understand having Fewer Staff Members is not a matter of worry. With salon software, you can perform multiple tasks simultaneously without the need for several employees. Also, there are minimal chances of errors to occur and the very best part is that with automation tools you can save a great amount of money. You don’t need to set up payrolls for many employees. There is not even a need for a separate team for separate counters as salon scheduling software is capable of performing numerous tasks at one time. Thus, you can imagine the ultimate benefits of a salon solution. Be it managing your salon or spa with less staff or managing your customers, inventory, etc, it smartly performs every task for your business.

We simply mean to say adding efficient salon software is the gateway to business growth even if you have a small team of staff.

Let’s jump to know a few tips that can help you out with this situation.

Tips to grow your business with Fewer Staff Members

#1. Leverage Online Booking

Online booking is the best and the latest trend many salons and spas are including in their business. Be it, staff or customers, it works magically for both. In the case of customers, it enhances their appointment procedure. They don’t have to go through a chaotic messy process, they don’t need to experience annoying waitings. It is of major help as with the automation process your salons and spas do not require more staff which someway saves huge monetary funds. You can save huge bucks with this automation process. Moreover, automated salon tools give more productivity than staff, and that too without minimal errors.

#2. Employ Email Marketing

If you have Fewer Staff Members let us tell you it is not something to worry about. Various ways can compensate for this issue. With a less or minimum staff also one can manage plenty of tasks in their salon and spa. Email marketing is the best way that can take charge.

Especially when you may be short of front desk staff, or they are engaged with additional daily tasks, use salon solutions to generate some business for you. With inbuilt marketing features in your management software, you can send various exciting offers, gifts, and discounts to your loyal customers. Customer loyalty is the best practice to retain customers. Other than this, salon software itself implements various practices to make your business visible to your targeted audience. You don’t need separate marketing staff to get this done as this tool is more than enough and effective as well.

Therefore, allow your staff to focus on their primary tasks by introducing salon software and bar them from performing other subsidiary tasks.

#3. Leverage the power of AI

AI is also the best way one can practice if your salon or spa is struggling with a shortage of employees. If you have fewer employees, honestly, AI is the perfect solution to help you out. With less staff, there are major chances of missing a call. Implementing an AI assistant means never missing any call. AI proves to be of great advantage when your front desk staff is highly engrossed in other crucial tasks. This efficient tool skillfully performs multiple tasks which include scheduling appointments, answering frequently asked questions, and even taking follow-up after appointments to encourage rebooking!

By introducing salon software it doesn’t matter whether you have much staff or not. You don’t need to increase the number of your staff members with efficient tools as they are sufficient to replace your staff. With an in-built automation system, all your tasks get completed with a professional touch. There is no necessity of crowding your store with many staff members. In many cases just to fill the vacant roles, many owners recruit the wrong applicants. This ultimately declines the productivity and growth of your business. Here is good news for you, if you have a salon spa management tool you don’t need much staff. This incredible tool is more than enough as it performs various tasks with an automation setup. It also manages and preserves your monetary funds with less staff. Salons can preserve massive funds as with automation tools they don’t need to pay remuneration to staff.

Simply, an efficient tool takes care of the overall performance of your business without bothering you.

#4. Point of Sale

You know, you can grow your business well without less staff as well. An efficient salon solution is a perfect key for this. With this tool, you don’t even need a special team for your front desk for managing your sales and payments. An inbuilt POS system takes charge of your staff and seamlessly manages all your customer’s payments. It preserves the whole record of your customer’s data. From the number of purchases to their most preferred services and products, it tracks everything. A sound POS system also provides various payment gateways to customers, thus, makes their transactions quick, easy, and flexible.

We simply need to say it does not matter how many staff members you own, with less staff also you can run your salon gracefully.

#5. Deliver great customer service

Well, you might find it difficult to deliver the best customer service with less staff but no it’s not. A salon solution is a perfect answer for this, when a salon tool can seamlessly perform every task of your business then you only need a few staff members for delivering services. Moreover, services can be offered at the best level because now the staff has to perform a few tasks only. They are free from multiple tasks as the management software does not bother the staff team with workload rather it reduces their work pressure.

Offering great customer service is what customers always wish for & by implementing this you can generate happy-faced customers. Having less or more staff doesn’t decide how good or bad your customer service is. It depends upon what smart and advanced strategies you adopt in your business.


From the above write-up now you can understand you don’t need to increase the number of staff if you want to grow. There is no absolute correlation of growth with the quantum of staff. It is simply the advanced tools, techniques, and strategies that you need to integrate into your business to reach maximum success. Believe and practice the key tips shared by us to fight against the challenges that weaken your business growth. Hopefully, our write-up proves productive to our readers.

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