Women’s Day Salon Marketing Strategies to Level Up Your Salon Game

POSTED BY Julia Ching

Women's Day Salon Marketing

“A charming woman doesn’t follow the crowd, she is herself.” –Loretta Young

International Women’s Day- 8 of March is within reach. The day is all about praising the achievements of women and offering them great respect, love, and value. I want all the ladies to pat themselves and their friends, mothers, and fellow mates on the back. Tell them you all are doing a good job and keep it up. 

In my opinion, we should celebrate each day as a women’s day as they play a very important role in our life. Likewise, as a mother, she is a great teacher and protector of her child. Similarly, as a wife, she is a great supporter of her husband and as a businesswoman, she is a great leader of her colleagues. 

In my opinion, no other day than international women’s day can be special for any woman. So, I suggest every woman visit the salon today. After all, it’s their day and they have the right to pamper themselves.

Moreover, this day is also a significant occasion for all beauty industries to encourage their services as women form a major part as a client. I highly recommend all salon owners to utilize different marketing ideas on women’s day because it can be very profitable for your business.

To assist you, I am providing some great Women’s Day Salon Marketing strategies you should implement to raise your business to greater heights.

Amazing Women’s Day Salon Marketing Strategies

#1. Pick the Right Theme

The first thing is always first and I highly recommend picking the theme that ideally matches women’s day. In addition, do not forget to pick the one that reflects your Salon values and goals.

Along with, as we all know that hashtags are trending these days and the younger generation is highly accepting of it, so, it is worth having the creative one for your advertising campaign. Like, you can include hashtags like; #KnowYourWorthLadies #fashion #beauty #empoweringwomen #womanday2023 #womensupportingwomen etc. 

Besides this, you can give your Salon a different feel by decorating it and giving your loyal customers the feel of care and pampering. I am guiding you with some tips that you can consider:

  • Allow the customers to bring in their daughter, mom, or friend with them and provide them with an additional gift. Like; a free hair spa with a haircut.
  • Give them the discount on the second Salon product (like one for you and the other for your acquaintances).
  • Post some promotional ads on your Salon social media pages (preferably, Instagram and Facebook) at least a week before.

Notify your customers about the promotions a week before. I suggest using the Salonist bulk SMS marketing feature and targeting female customers. This Salon software

#2. Gift Card Promotions on Women’s Day

Each year, most of the men start searching for a gift in early March for their beloved ones. Indeed, the chocolate box is fine, but what they really want is to relax from their daily activities. According to my suggestion, gift cards from the Salon are the Best Women’s day present to them. For strong gift card promotions, you should:

  • Publish the post on social media channels (Facebook and Instagram) of gift card promotions before two weeks.
  • For selling the gift cards like a breeze, put them on your Salon reception counter. This way, the customers can glance at them while checking out and promoting them on the store window. You also make them accessible online for those who are last-minute shoppers.
  • Send the messages to the customers to invest in gift cards two weeks back. Additionally, I advise you to leverage the bulk message feature of Salonist software and target those who need them.

#3. Run a Competition

As you all know that social media channels are the greatest tool to promote Salon businesses. So, I personally advise you to run a competition using an appropriate method. Likewise, it is important to check all the terms and conditions before, otherwise, you get yourself banned for using these techniques.

While using Facebook for running a contest, you should not ask the customers to:

  • Tag their friends in the post to be a part of the competition.
  • Like the fan page to be a part of the competition.
  • Share the post to be a part of the competition.

However, you should ask:

  • A trivia question related to beauty
  • The customers to make a caption of an image
  • The customers to share their views, or stories (know their ideas on women’s day)
  • Hold the guessing competition

**You should not forget the main kick- to engage more customers, your price must be worth it.**

I advise you first to know about the main points that can make your Salon recognized or, you can check your service statistics. From here, find out the accurate price and keep the one that attracts the customers more. This way, the chance of more engagement of clients to your services is assured. 

Additionally, I suggest you follow the tactics to improve loyalty and publicize your Salon.

#4. Start An Email Marketing Campaign

What ways do you follow to run your Salon promotions? How can the customer find out you are holding the promotions on Women’s day? If you ask us, I would recommend you start email marketing campaigns as it is the tried and tested approach for engaging the customers. Hence, begin creating an attractive email design that reveals your theme and the campaigns you are running.

Uniquely, use the Salon software and segregate your customers into two parts(male and female). Check your customer’s history, know about their preferences, and accordingly, personalize the email marketing campaign.

Additionally, I advise the salon owners to add all the details of events and offers related to International Women’s Day. Soon after, sending it to customers, you can keep track of their responses and generate the reports on Salonist software.

#5. Slash the Services Price

Discounted services are liked by everyone. Undoubtedly, it is the best way to attract customers on International Women’s Day. But, I would like to suggest you, do not give large discounts that end up in loss. So, play smart and give your customers the right value for their payings.

According to me, you can offer three for the price of two (give them complementary services). Therefore, if you have a customer visiting for nail extensions and a hair spa then, offer them a third service free.

Moreover, I also suggest you showcase the discounted services on your Salon website and define the third service accurately. As well, include the four options and allow the customers to choose the preferred one.

#6. Online Booking

Allow the customers to easily schedule their bookings with the Salon management software on Women’s day. Of course, the busy schedule does not allow them to come in person to book. And, the chaos of phone bookings is known to all.

So, I advise you to give customers the ease to book, rebook or cancel at their convenience with the stylish. Indeed, most of the Salon software has integrated Facebook and Instagram; with which the customers can book with you. Not to mention, with the complete automated booking process, the chances of double bookings are less.

#7. Leverage Social Media

As I already had mentioned above, social media is the virtue of attracting more and more customers. Assuredly, Facebook and Instagram are widely accepted as social media channels.

As the highly-reached and oldest social network, Facebook has nearly 2.8 billion monthly active users. Definitely, it is a large and striking number. As Instagram is new, even then, it has surpassed the 1 billion global user mark. So, these statistics are clearly depicting how much these are liked by the users all around.

Hence, you can use them this Women’s day and ask your customers to share their experiences with your Salon. On a similar note, make them share the videos or images to please their family or friends. Both platforms have a share button that permits sharing of the videos or testimonials. 

Furthermore, if you have longer tips, it’s my suggestion to start with Facebook, because users are more willing to spend more time on one post.

#8. Host International Women’s Day Party

What more you can do to promote your Salon on Women’s day. I recommend you host an evening party. In like manner, invite your loyal or potential customers and have fun. The evening party could be a great opportunity to connect with customers that you have not seen for long.

Additionally, to make an event successful, I suggest you organize short-easts, decorate your salon, arrange dance lessons, provide foot massages, etc.

Moreover, in my opinion, I would like to suggest you build a selfie wall for the customers to click their pictures. Also, ask them if they can post the pictures on Facebook or Instagram. This way, your Salon can gain more visibility. 

Furthermore, you can motivate your customers to enjoy free services by asking them to do something for you. I believe you should tell them to:

  • Follow your Salon on Instagram
  • Post their picture of your Salon and hashtag it with Salon name
  • Tag the friend
  • Give them a freebie or discount on the next service

Summing Up

Women’s Day is an excellent opportunity for salons to show their appreciation for their female clients and attract new ones. With the right Women’s Day Salon Marketing strategies in place, salons can make their clients feel special and valued, while also boosting their bottom line.

Whether it’s offering discounts, hosting events, or creating special packages, salons can take advantage of Women’s Day to show their commitment to empowering women and celebrating their beauty. By implementing Women’s Day Salon Marketing strategies and staying true to their brand, salons can build lasting relationships with their clients and become a trusted partner in their self-care journey.

Let us know if there are any other tips that I have not mentioned in my article. In case of any query, use the comment section below.

Wish You All A Happy Women’s Day!!

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